De Beira provides further details on Titiribi gold-copper project in Colombia
De Beira Goldfields Inc. is pleased to present the following information and details regarding the recently acquired Titiribi Gold / Coper project. Below is a brief history of De Beira's entry into Titiribi, Colombia.
Titiribi is a historic multi-million ounce Gold and base metal mining district set in the Mid Northern region of Colombia approximately 70 kilometres southwest of Medellin. Recorded mining activity commenced in 1794, and more or less continuous production, at differing scales, has been observed since that time. In the 1800's and early 1900's Au-Ag (Zn-Pb-Cu) production came from at least 14 principle-mining areas within a three-kilometre radius of the town of Titiribi. Activity from approximately 1942 to present can be classified as minimal and strictly artisanal. Peak production activity dates from the period 1885 through 1930.
Murial Mining S.A (South America), ("Murial"), initiated work in 1992, focusing upon the Otra Mina – Cateadores – Chisperos – Muriel – Cerro Veta sectors of the Titiribi district. Numerous adits and drived were re-opened, cleaned, advanced and sampled. Murial entered into two separate option-style agreements, first with a junior company Ace Resources Ltd. of Vancouver, secondly with Goldfields Ltd of South Africa ("Goldfields"). The Ace Resources Ltd. option terminated in default on the part of Ace Resources, however abundant surface and tunnel sampling and mapping, soil geochemistry and ground-based IP and magnetometry were completed, resulting in the initial target concepts. In 1998, based on results from the Murial/Ace exploration, Goldfields conducted additional geophysics and soil geochemistry, resulting in a 2,500-metre diamond-drilling program in and around the Cerro Veta target area.
This drilling led to the discovery of the Cerro Veta porphyry considered as a potentially bulk-mineable Au-Cu, (Gold-Copper) resource, located two kilometres west of the Titiribi townsite. The Cerro Veta porphyry system is a well defined, zoned, although fault disrupted, poly-phase Au-Cu (Ag, Mo) porphyry system measuring some 725 metres N-S by 550 metres E-W.
Evaluation of this drilling outlined a drill indicated resource of 220 million metric tonnes grading 0.4 g/t Au with 0.15% Cu. Goldfields Ltd. however dropped the Titiribi option due to sub US$300 gold prices.
The decision of the Goldfields senior management to not pursue the Titiribi project in Colombia was brought to the attention of Mr Klaus Eckhof, currently Chairman of De Beira Goldfields. Representatives of Goldfields middle management considered the project had great potential, though possibly due to the depressed metal prices of 1998, the project was not considered viable for Goldfields. In May 2006, De Beira Goldfields entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Murial over the Cerro Veta porphyry system in the Titiribi area and is currently focussing exploration on the la Candela and Margarita areas to the south of the current resources. De Beira is confident it will significantly increase the current resources.
About De Beira Goldfields Inc.
De Beira is a Nevada based mineral exploration company. The Company has recently initiated a new program to evaluate undervalued assets for potential addition to its mineral claim portfolio.
The Company has recently entered into an agreement to earn up to 70% interest in the Titiribi Gold / Copper project in Colombia, South America. The agreement with the Goldplata Group of companies allows De Beira to earn an initial interest of 65% by sole funding US$8 million exploration expenditure within a 3 year period. After earning 65%, De Beira can elect to sole fund further expenditure in order to earn another 5% (giving it a total interest of 70%). The additional interest will be earned upon the earlier of completing a bankable feasibility study or spending a further US$12 million, both within a period of no more than 3 years.
The Titiribi Mining District is located 70km southeast of Medellin, Colombia. It comprises an important historic gold – silver producing region with excellent infrastructure and a mining history extending over the last 200 years.
Mining operations focussed historically on high grade ( greater than 15g/t Au) gold – silver replacement mantos and fault controlled veins hosted within sedimentary rocks.
Limited modern exploration was undertaken by various companies (Ace Resources Ltd and Goldfields of South Africa) who during the period of sub US$300 gold price delineated a low grade Au-Cu resource. Goldfields drilled 2,500m and estimated a drill indicated resource (not to F43 101) of 220 million tonnes @ approx. 1g/t Au (Au + Cu equivalent) for approx. 7 million oz (porphyry associated Au-Cu-Ag-Mo mineralisation).
As an exploration project the Titiribi area can be considered an under explored, district scale mineral system with a long term proven high grade production history. As high grade (greater than 15g/t Au) mining ceased in the late 1930s', there is significant potential, with modern methods, to delineate resources with grades of up to 5 g/t Au which in present circumstances could be converted to mineable deposits.
The Company has identified several target zones for an immediate drilling program, and expects to fast track the drilling program.