Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sea Vegetation and Heart Problems

In China and Japan sea plants have been used for many heart problems. It helps lower the risk for heart disease, and can help detoxify the blood that is pumped through out the heart.

China and Japan aren’t the only cultures that have used sea plants for heart problems. All over the world cultures have used sea plants for heart burn, reflux disease, and the prevention of heart disease.

The natural chemicals and elements in sea plants is able to almost completely counter heart problems. It has been researched and proven that sea plants were able to keep people from even having heart attacks in old age.

Now sea plants are not able to do that all the time, but for someone who has a strong diet of sea plants is less likely to have heart problems then someone who takes medicine for it.

No one fully sees that sea plants are able to cure you of just about everything. The sea plants are actually able to take out the toxins that cause heart problems and dispose of them before they are able to start tearing up your heart.

Some people even believe that sea plants are the reason why live expectancies have actually risen in the past few years. People who are on a sea plant diet are not only eating right, but are insuring their hearts safety and proper workings.

If sea plants can be put onto open wounds to prevent infection, and can be used to help with obesity and such, then using sea vegetation for heart problems is basically a natural thing to do.

Sea plants are capable of so much and yet not many people know that. Some of the greatest civilizations have lived off of sea plants for years before they were able to grow their own food.

And unlike land grown food, sea vegetation doesn’t require a time of year or a certain season.

Sea Vegetation in Health.

When someone says they are using sea vegetation for dieting or health eating, what do you think of? Does your mind suddenly picture them eating a big glob of see weed? Or do you see them making a salad out of coral reef?

Sea vegetation is actually one of the few types of plants on earth that is still perfectly healthy. Sea vegetation has more things in it, such as vitamins, elements, and irons then most of the vegetation grown on land does.

There are three main groups of sea vegetation too, but instead of being classified by hard to pronounce words, they are classified by the color of them. The red sea vegetation has three different types, the green sea vegetation has two different types, and the brown sea vegetation has four different types in it.

Sea vegetation has been known to have as many things as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B 12, C, D3, E, K, phytohormones, pigments, proteins, polysaccharides, alginic acid, carrageenans and cellulose, a high concentration of potassium, chlorine, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur phosphorus, iodine, iron, copper, manganese, and others.

You don’t see that type of combination in your every day garden salad. Another great thing about sea vegetation is that it is almost completely untouched. It sits there out in the ocean, growing, and when it is done growing, it just survives until it is washed up or taken out of the water.

Even sea animals feed off the vegetation down there. Sea vegetation has been known to help with carb diets, maintain a good percent of calcium, and the best part, it has been used by other cultures for hundreds of years.

Sea vegetation has been used for healing, heart problems, as a food source, and more. So when you put it all together and get down to it, eating sea vegetation, which you usually picture as slimy and green, is better for you then eating a hamburger and fries.